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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Be Careful What You Pray For

So often I hear people praying who are struggling with something. Sometimes, they are having relationship problems. Or financial troubles. Issues with their children. Their health. So many different things that we all endure from time to time. One of the most popular prayers I hear is, "Lord, give me strength." Usually, what they are saying is that they feel their problems are so overwhelming that they cannot handle it and need an extra push to get them over.

However, that is not what they asked for and not how strength is achieved. Anyone who has ever lifted weights will tell you that the way to increase strength is to increase resistance. That's right. You pray for strength, you are praying for MORE resistance in your life....not less. You are asking for an increase in problems. You are asking for more weight to be placed across your shoulders. You are asking for more resistance so that you will develop the strength you prayed for. Be careful what you pray for.

Another prayer I hear people praying is "Lord, give me patience." These people feel so stressed about life that they think they might snap at any moment. That they might have a nervous breakdown. They don't realize they already have patience within them. So, by asking for patience, they are actually asking for more than they already possess. This leads us to the same scenario as with strength. These people will now be given more situations that will require a higher degree of patience from them. They will be given more troubles and more stress and less time with which to get everything done that needs to be accomplished. They will be given this so that they can develop the very thing they prayed for......patience. Be careful what you pray for.

Yes, I say to be careful what you pray for might just get it!!!


  1. That is just awesome. I think I will Pray for you Scott.

  2. Thank you, Dan. Just be careful what it is you pray for me. Hahaha
