
Looking Business-like

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Are You Paid For What you Do? I Hope Not!!

Did you know there are people who want to be paid for what they do? They say things like, "When this company starts paying me for what I'm worth, then I'll do all the things they want me to do." Ummm, what!! I hope you are not this kind of person. Does this truly make any sense at all? Can you imaging going to your boss and saying,

You: Hey, I want you to give me a raise.
Boss: Based on what? You haven't done anything to merit a raise.
You: Exactly. I want you to pay me more so I will start doing more.
Boss: Yeah, right. No. No raise. Besides, it sounds like you are really asking for a promotion. More responsibility, more money.
You: Ok, I want a promotion then.
Boss: Based on what again? You haven't done anything to merit a promotion. 
You: Exactly. If you paid me more then I would do more.
Boss. Get out of my office before I fire you!!

Get the picture? You won't get more until you give more. Be the type of person that says, "I'm going to be the best I can be because that's how I am and I know that if I give more than expected I will eventually be rewarded." Give more!! Then you can ask for more and have the proof that you deserve it. Something happens when you put gold into the fire. The real gold separates itself from the crap that has attached to it. You can look around your job, your friends, your environment and see who the real gold is and who the crap is. Which one are you? 

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