
Looking Business-like

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Alpha and Omega

In the Bible, God says that He is the Alpha and the Omega. This means that he is the beginning and the end. But what about everything in between? Who creates our experiences? Who creates our situations in life? Well that, my friends, is us. We didn't create the world and we won't be the ones to end the world. But we are the ones who create everything else. And we do this by using our God-given talents and gifts.

I remember when I was a little kid in school and the teacher would pass out a blank sheet of paper to every kid. Then, she would give us each 3-4 crayons and tell us to create a masterpiece. It always seemed that I would look at the colors given to me and wonder how I was going to create anything. "If only"....I had that color the kid next to me had. THEN I could create something wonderful. But with these colors.....sheesh, impossible.

And aren't we still like that as adults? We rarely are happy with the gifts and talents we have been given. We look at others and think they have better than we have. "If only"...I had the personality that person has. "If only"...I had the looks of that person. "If only"...I could speak as well as they do. "If only".....blah, blah, blah. And the ridiculous thing is, other people are looking at us wishing they had what we have.

Guess what? You got what you got. You can't go to WalMart and buy a new talent. You can only use what you have. You can strengthen it and make it better or you can neglect it. But if you choose to neglect your talents, then your life will never be as great as it could have been. You will never be as fulfilled as you would have. The world will not be as improved as it should have been.

So, start using what the Good Lord gave you. You were given those talents and gifts for a use them. To create a masterpiece with them.

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