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Thursday, December 20, 2012

How To Pray For What You Want

So, yesterday I talked about how you should be careful about what you pray for. People tend to get mired in their everyday problems and become overwhelmed and frustrated. They then cry out for help in the form of a prayer and are dismayed when they don't get what they want but DO get what they prayed for. What happened? Well, they asked/prayed for the wrong thing. They were not clear on how to ask, specifically, for what they truly desired.

In our worldly, human relationships we are often unclear when we ask for something. We hint at what we desire and hope that our partner somehow "gets" it or "reads" our minds. But God doesn't operate that way. Even if you do not believe in God  but instead believe in a Universal Power, the lesson is the same. You get exactly what you are asking for. And to properly ask for something requires you to have the belief that you will receive it. Therefore, you might ask for a brand new bicycle but if you believe you will not get it, then you  are more likely to not get it.

Your belief must align with your prayer/asking. When those are in conflict, which will you receive? Will you get what you truly desire? Or will you get what it is you specifically asked for? Well, it usually depends on where the majority of your focus is. When people ask for strength, they are usually focused on exactly that.....being stronger so as to overcome their problems. So, they get experiences that will strengthen them. If their focus was on having fewer problems or on having their load lightened, they would be more likely to receive that.

So get specific with what it is you want. Ask and pray in a direct, honest language that is very clear on what you desire. Then, believe that you will receive it.

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